How did Jim Caple die ? Know More About his Death

The sports journalism community is in mourning following the unexpected passing of Jim Caple, a revered sports writer and former senior columnist for Known for his analytical acumen and captivating storytelling, Caple passed away on October 1, 2023 at the of 61

Who Was Jim Caple?

Jim Caple, was a seasoned sports journalist who made significant contributions to the field during his lengthy career. He served as a senior writer and columnist for, and prior to that, worked with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

In his role at ESPN, Caple covered a wide array of sports stories, with a particular focus on Major League Baseball. His insightful analysis and engaging narratives brought a unique perspective to sports journalism, making him a favorite among readers.

How Did Jim Caple Die?

Caple’s death was announced on October 1, 2023. While the specific cause of his death has not been disclosed, the news was met with a wave of sadness from colleagues, readers, and the broader sports community.

Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Caple, who on top of being an incredible baseball scribe was truly a kind and funny guy. Everyone seems to have a story about him, and here is mine. While my schedule was cramped, I had figured out a way to fly down to San Francisco and back on the same day to cover Game 1 of the 2010 World Series between the Rangers and Giants. Starters were Lincecum and Lee so I figured it would be some pitchers duel and booked my return flight for 10pm. I mean, how long could the game be? Turns out, longer than expected. First ball hit was between Lincecum and Pablo Sandoval at 3rd. They both converge on the ball and stare at it. I was sitting between Jim and Jon Heyman in the press box. We all looked at each other as if to say, “It’s going to be that kind of game.”For all MLB jewel events, the media is gifted with a program and a pin commemorating the event. At 9pm, I turn to Jim and say, “I can’t believe this, but I have to leave the game to catch my flight.” Jim had never met me before. We knew of each other in passing due to Northwest SABR meetings, but that was was it. The pin and program had not yet been passed out but as I’m packing my stuff up he turns to me and says, “Give me your address so I can mail them to you.” It was such a kind and thoughtful thing. A couple weeks later it arrived in the mail. I messaged to ask how much I owed for postage. “Nah. It’s all good.”We never know how the smallest of things can mean so much. Farewell, Jim. Such a sad, sad day.

Remembering Jim Caple

Jim Caple leaves behind a rich legacy in sports journalism. His analytical insights, coupled with his knack for storytelling, have set a high bar in the field. He was not just a sports writer, but a storyteller who brought life to the events he covered.

His sudden demise marks a significant loss for the world of sports journalism. As we mourn his passing, we also celebrate his life and the indelible mark he left on the industry. His body of work will continue to inspire future generations of sports journalists.
