The Meaning Behind The Song: Dame Leche by Erostratt

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Dame Leche by Erostratt

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
Dame LecheErostrattErostrattNot availableFebruary 24, 2019RapErostratt

The song “Dame Leche” by Erostratt has captivated listeners with its haunting melody and thought-provoking lyrics. Written and composed by Erostratt himself, this track explores themes of love, loss, and the bittersweet memories that linger long after a summer romance has come to an end.

Lyrics and Additional Information

Je viens de m’éveiller d’un long songe aux allures de mensonge
Dans un bac d’eau glacée ma tête je plonge
Éponge le peu d’amour avec la rage qui me ronge
Quand je vois rouge
Des mausolées érige
Et je rugis
Sur ce point je n’ai rien d’un érudit
Oublie mes souvenirs radieux
Ma pensée se raidit
Et je le redis :
Était-ce un rêve, était-ce une réalité ?
Je sens que je vais caner paniqué

Dame leche
J’ai dû me noyer dans le Léthé
Pour oublier ce dernier été
C’était si beau
Est-ce que c’était faux ?
Est-ce que c’était vrai ?

The lyrics of “Dame Leche” paint a vivid picture of a love story filled with uncertainty and longing. The narrator describes waking up from a dream that felt like a lie, submerging their head in icy water to numb the pain. The mention of seeing red and building mausoleums hints at anger and frustration. The narrator questions whether their memories of a beautiful summer love were real or just an illusion. The mention of drowning in the river Lethe, a symbol of forgetting, highlights the desire to erase the intensity and complexity of the past relationship.

On s’est rencontrés presque par hasard
Tu te baladais dans cette ville inconnue
J’ai proposé de t’aider
En vrai, ça faisait un moment que je te scrutais
Mais si tu l’avais su tu aurais sans doute lutté
Tu m’as sorti de ma routine
De ma vie familiale
De mon emploi minable
De mon ennui morbide
Entre tes pétales je butine
J’ai même dû te mentir pour te charmer
Improviser pour t’apprivoiser
Me travestir
Te cacher à la voisine
Figure de magazine
Je quitterai tout pour te revoir
Te ravir à ta vie pour être à nouveau comme au premier soir

These verses reveal the serendipitous meeting of the narrator and their love interest. They describe offering help and admitting to observing the person for some time. The narrator expresses how this encounter disrupted their monotonous routine, bringing an escape from their mundane family life, miserable job, and deep boredom. The theme of transformation and deceit emerges as the narrator confesses to lying to win the person over, disguising their true self to charm and captivate their love interest. The desire to leave everything behind to be with them once again is palpable.

Mais Pat, Pat, tu m’as mis pat
Je ne peux plus gouger
Mais Pat, oh Pat tu m’as mis pat
J’ai oublié qui j’étais depuis cet été

The repetition of “Pat” in these lines emphasizes the narrator’s loss of identity and confusion. They feel unable to move forward, trapped in a state of emptiness. Their experiences during that summer have blurred their sense of self, leaving them disconnected from who they used to be.

Puis septembre est arrivé, inévitable
La fin des beaux jours marque la fin de notre amour
Je t’ai regardé t’éloigner, du vague à l’âme
Je vais tâcher de cacher ma nostalgie à ma femme
Oh Patricia
Sans toi je ne suis plus un artiste
Cette identité factice, non je n’en veux plus
Tu dis que tu ne m’oublieras pas mais je sais que tu mens
Tu m’as permis de renaître le temps d’un instant

The mention of September symbolizes the inevitability of the end of summer and the subsequent end of their love affair. The narrator watches their love interest walk away, feeling a sense of sadness and longing. They acknowledge the need to hide their nostalgia from their spouse and address their love interest as Patricia, highlighting the significance and impact she had on their life. The despair and loss of identity are evident as they declare that without Patricia, they are no longer an artist, rejecting the artificial identity they assumed during their time together. The realization that Patricia’s promise to never forget them was mere deception only intensifies their pain.

Je vais me noyer dans le Léthé
Pour oublier ce dernier été
Mais est-ce que c’était faux ?
Ou est-ce que c’était vrai ?

The chorus once again emphasizes the narrator’s desire to drown themselves in the river Lethe, the symbol of forgetting, in order to erase the memories of that last summer. The poignant question lingers – were those moments false or true?

Oh Pat, Pat, tu m’as mis pat
Je ne peux plus bouger
Mais Pat, oh Pat tu m’as mis pat
J’ai oublié qui j’étais depuis cet été

The repetition of “Pat” in these lines further emphasizes the sense of being immobilized and the loss of self-identity caused by the events of that summer.

In conclusion, the song “Dame Leche” by Erostratt delves into the complexities of love and the impact it can have on one’s sense of self. The lyrics of the song explore themes of longing, deception, and uncertainty. Erostratt’s raw and introspective lyrics resonate with listeners as they evoke personal experiences of love, loss, and the struggle to find one’s identity in the aftermath. “Dame Leche” forces us to confront the blurred lines between truth and illusion, reminding us of the power and impact of past relationships on our present selves.
